
More than ever before, sellers must make smart inventory management a top priority if they hope to be successful on Amazon.

We want to be your partner toward that success by helping you with inventory management.

If you’re launching a brand new product, you have no idea what your sales velocity will be. Until you do, you should store most of your product somewhere other than Amazon. That way your inventory isn’t aging while you’re working on your launch. You’d be surprised how quickly six or twelve months can get away from you. Especially if you’re a brand new seller.

If your new product turns out to be a dud, you’ll be on the hook for Amazon’s long-term storage fees or you’ll have to pay Amazon removal fees to get your inventory back out of their warehouses.

We want to help you avoid that mess.

The new name of the game on Amazon is to keep your Inventory Performance Index as high as possible so your storage limits aren’t restricted.

The best way to do that is to store most of your inventory with us, and have us send just enough inventory to Amazon to cover 30 to 60 days of projected sales.

Storage Fees

Monthly Inventory Storage Fees*

Effective Jan 1, 2024Storage Fee
Short-Term Storage$0.88 per cubic foot (Monthly Billing Minimum of $10.00 per month) All arriving inventory incurs a storage fee regardless of its outbound date.
Long-Term Storage$1.50 per cubic foot – applies to Amazon Removals and inventory that has remained in storage over one year (Monthly Billing Minimum of $10.00 per month)

We aim to keep things simple. You pay the same flat rate no matter what time of year it is and you can leave your product stored with us for as long as you need (long-term storage fees apply to inventory that is categorized as Amazon Removals or has remained with us over one year).

(Inventory received between the 1st and 15th of the month incur a full month’s charge. Inventory received between the 16th and last day of the month incur a prorated half-month’s charge. Every subsequent month of storage is billed on the first of the month.)

*Volume is based upon how much space is required to store products in their shipping cartons. This number will not match Amazon’s volume calculation since Amazon stores units in mixed product bins for fulfillment purposes. Therefore, their volume is based upon product package dimensions.

Activity Based Fees

Effective January 1, 2024
Account Setup Feeno fee at this time
Account Management Feeno fee at this time
Inbound (Receiving) Handling FeeSee separate chart below
Outbound Shipment Handling Fee for single SKU cartons$1.50 per master carton or $10.00 minimum per shipment
Outbound Shipment Handling Fee for mixed SKU cartons$1.50 per SKU per carton (i.e. A carton containing 4 SKUs incurs a $6 handling fee) – $10.00 minimum per shipment
FNSKU Labeling Service$0.55 per unit
Kitting Service$50.00 per hour (one hour minimum)
Re-boxing Master Cartonsdependent upon size
Packing Materials/Tape$0.07 per foot
FBM (fulfilled by merchant) ServicesWe do not provide at this time
Physical Inventory Counts$50.00 per hour (one hour minimum)
Special Inspections$50.00 per hour (one hour minimum)
Inventory Disposal$3.35 per cubic foot

Inbound (Receiving) Handling Fees

Pricing based upon single SKU cartons. Hourly fee may be incurred for mixed SKU cartons due to increased time required to process.

Effective January 1, 2024
Single SKU Pallet****
(this service is discontinued as of July 1, 2023 after which all shipments must arrive small parcel delivery)
$25.15 per pallet
Multiple SKUs on Single Pallet****
(this service is discontinued as of July 1, 2023 after which all shipments must arrive small parcel delivery)
$33.50 per pallet
Loose Carton (non-palletized, small parcel delivery)****$1.34 per carton
Amazon Removal (this service is discontinued as of December 31, 2023)$0.50 per unit or $50 minimum charge for removals with less than 100 units

****Does not include Amazon Removals, which has its own fee structure as noted above.